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(1 edit)

Hello there.

I am loving this so far. It's rare I spend hours on a solo rpg so thank you very much.

I'm a little confused by the dice stacking though. it says that you choose two out of the four skills when you do something risky then you stack one two or three dice depending on the amount of lessons you have under a skill. Does this mean that if you have less than three dice under two of the skills that you would stack six dice? Or is it just three dice for one of the skills? I've been doing the former.

Edit: Ignore me. I'm evidently blind. You're referring to the skills on the top right of the page spread. I do think though this is a bit confusing when the pdf is one page at a time with no spreads since it's on the second page of the spread

(1 edit)

Hiya, I have a question about confidants and major arcana cards as I'm not sure if I'm playing correctly. I'm about to finish Arrival, but I haven't met any confidants yet/pulled any major arcana cards and thus have no circle. I'm struggling to understand how major arcana cards end up in the volume. Is it random? or did I miss an instruction to add them deliberately into the volume? Thanks for the help! I'm really enjoying playing the game :)

Edit: I've been reading through comments trying to understand and it seems I may have created my volume wrong at the start of Arrival but I'm not sure exactly what I did wrong. Does anyone have advice or insight on how to correctly create the volume after organizing the suit decks?

Absolutely gorgeous game! I'm currently in my first playthrough but I can already see the re-play-ability, how each play can be different depending on small choices you make, and more. The artwork is splendid and the prompts make me sit and really think about how I am going to move forward. I Love It!
My playthrough can be found here: 

I just bought the physical at a game store and then found out there was a tarot deck, I was wondering if there is any way I can get my hands on a copy of the tarot deck that would have come in the boxes edition? 
I really love the art in this and would love to have the deck itself

Hey! Lovely to hear you found the book in the wild :)

There’s no way to purchase the deck & dice separately at the moment, but when I do a reprint I’ll be offering a small number of upgrade kits for folks who want to add them to their book. Best bet is to subscribe to my newsletter :)


My 8y.o. daughter is trying this out - she's a Kiki fan so fingers crossed that she gets the gist of the game. 

I was wondering if you have a PNP version of your digital tarot cards. My daughter doesn't have a cell phone and I'd prefer to give her a physical set of cards. The help text on the cards would also be a good helper for her vs regular tarot cards. 

Thanks either way - it looks like a cosy journalling game!

I’ve claimed a community copy due to a slightly tight financial environment, and just wanted to say thank you for allowing folks to do this. I wanted to include at least a small payment, but unfortunately Itch has a small error of setting the minimum price to the game’s cost… Is there anywhere you accept tips / donations?

I really appreciate the intention Ancora, but don’t stress about it! Maybe follow my newsletter if you like, and if you’re in a better financial position in the future you might back one of my projects :)

Hope you have a wonderful time with the game! J


I'm playing this with a partner--not the multiplayer rules, just the two of us doing the prompts & writing together--and having SO MUCH FUN!

We also LOVE the rhyming, iambic prompt suggestions: so evocative!

We write a lot so definitely gonna take longer than the the game suggests volumes might take--but maybe that just makes it better by prolonging our enjoyment!

Thanks for making a cool game! Lol, honoured to have figuratively shared the ENNIES podium with such a cool work!

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lol, I was moved to buy the physical version!

Hey Sharang! Thanks so much for your lovely words! I’ve always enjoyed reading your (often sexy!) content.

The rhymes took so much of my time (and soul 💀) but now they’re done I’m very happy I persevered… J

Haha, yes, I’m happy you persevered, too!!


The framework for this game was really cool - I like that the confidant system reminded me of Persona, and the twists helped with creativity. It was so rewarding to watch my character grow over time with the impact of different responsibilities, mistakes, and friends. Thanks for a great game!

You’re very welcome! And yes, my time with P5 was a big impact on the confidants, of course. Thanks for playing!

I'm in love with this game. It's evocative, brilliant and has a beautiful theme that emerges from every page. The game is not only about teenagers, but also parental figures and mentors, exploring separation and complex relationships between teenagers and adults. (there are other themes involved too!!)

Once I started I couldn't put it down for a week!! I've written so much... I've slowed down in winter after getting a Crossroad with the World confidant XD It felt like such a heavy responsibility! The theme of my 1st playthrough is definitely letting go.

Also gameplay loop is perfect. I love how the first volume takes time to help us establish our main character - this aspect is rarely as thought-out in other solo rpgs. Bingo and confidant systems are SUPER FUN and help a lot to create a solid story strucuture. I also loved collecting tones on my Koriko's map. I think there would be some new games inspired by these mechanics!!!

Thank you for this gem. very hyped for the soundtrack in the future


Thank you so much for sharing your play experience, I’m so happy to hear it’s landed well with you. I love a bare-bones solo RPG (Alone in the Ancient City was my first and still one of my favourite!), but I really think the extra structure and support in Koriko has been worth the effort :)



Amazing. Absolutely stunning game. I'm currently playing two games concurrently, one entirely solo (currently in late spring) and one with my girlfriend using the Flying Together rules (currently in late summer), and the paths my witches have taken have been entirely different. Their cities are distinct and rich, their voices and those of their confidants all unique. 

I've been sharing my journals for my solo game and was just complimented on how rich the story I'm writing for her is, and it feels really nice. I'll gladly take the credit... but a lot of it goes to the game, and how easy it is to use the provided prompts and mechanics to build something that's warm and wonderful and full and challenging. Their stories haven't always been easy, but they've been so fantastically engaging.

I'm only partway through the game, and I am so utterly in love. I'm hoping I can get a larger group together at some point soon to do a sandwich year, all school friends keeping in touch. Not even half-way through, and already planning more, hoping to share more. 

Everyone should play this. It is just so good.

Also, big thanks to @BlackwellWriter for pointing her patrons toward Jack Harrison. She said we'd love your work, and she was absolutely right. 


Ahh thanks so much, what a lovely review. I’m glad it’s all hitting in the ways I intended 😊


I already bought a physical copy of the book, so I appreciate having access to a free digital community copy of Koriko. Thank you. It’s helpful because I’m using my iPad to do my journaling, and the digital copy lets me easily paste references and instructions in my journal to assist me with the process of the game, while I keep the physical book open to the section I’m currently working on.


I saw this game come up a lot in the ENNIE nominations so checked it out and it looks great! I wanted to purchase a physical copy from your website, but shipping to Australia is really steep at the moment. Do you know of any retailers in Australia that have ordered/carry it?

Thank you and best wishes.

Not at the moment, I haven’t had any luck with a retailer over there yet!

Thanks for your reply (I read it way back when but forgot to reply 😅). I recently went on to the site and noticed that the boxed set is out of stock. I was sort of thinking of getting it as a Christmas present to myself (to justify shipping costs 😂) as I don't have tarot cards or that many D6s. Will this ever come back? If so, is there a way we can sign up or put in an e-mail address  or something to be notified? Thank you for your time.

Hey! I don’t have any stock left in the UK, but there’s plenty in the US. I’ll set up international shipping from there soon—if you sign up to my mailing list you can get updates!


Hi hello!! I'm a physical backer and I headed here to see if there was any info on the soundtrack. Is that available? It seems like it from the version notes but I can't find it.

Not yet! It’s a work-in-progress, will be added here when it’s done :)

(1 edit) (+3)

Congrats for the ENNIE 2024 nominations, Jack and team. Well deserved!

Thanks so much!

Hi there! i LOVE this game so much already and I've just started setting up for the card drawing and such, but I'm a little confused. it says that when we draw a new confident card and finish it we're supposed to put it in 'the circle' but i can't find anything in the instructions about what the circle IS. is it the deck it originally came from? or the deck of special confidants? or it's own pile? thanks for the help and the amazing game! 

Never mind I figured it out! :D I just missed the important bit. ^^ 


will you ever do a "reprint" of the dice and tarot?


Yep! There will be more available soon :)

can't wait!

Just received my book this morning! Really looking forward to starting my playthrough. I live in a different country to the rest of my family and my cousins and I are going to 'fly together'.

I was just wondering if you're planning to release the custom tarot deck and dice as an accessories kit for people who already have the book? Would love to buy them but I backed at the book only tier.


Hey! That’s so cool, I hope you have a lovely time together ☺️

When I eventually do a reprint of Koriko, I plan to do a limited run of ‘upgrade kits’ for those with books. Probably won’t be for a while, make sure you’re signed up to my newsletter!

I'll be keeping an eye out for the deck as an upgrade! Shoulda gone with deluxe :-(

(1 edit)

Hi! Starting my playthrough now (boxed from kickstarter). Im doing it digitally and wondered if you have a digital version of the sticker sheet? would love to insert them. Thanks!

That’s a really good idea! I’ll stick it on the list for v2 :)



I've just received my physical copy of the game and it looks awesome :) 

I have a question that may feel a bit strange, but I'd like to avoid using a Tarot Deck and I don't want to spoil the game and its discovery, so I don't know yet what is precisely needed from the tarot to design a replacement. 

Could anyone help with that? :) 


If you’re playing digitally, you can use the link provided with the game’s files to access a virtual tabletop. Otherwise, you’ll need cards to match each of the Moments (4 sets of 14 cards) and another set of cards numbered 0 to 21. All of these should be able to be shuffled together, with the same backs. Hope that helps!


Thanks for the answer Jack! I gifted one -physical- copy of the game to someone triggered by Tarot cards so, it'll help me design/find an alternative solution.


pick up a game called “The Mind”. It has 100 cards with the same back, each has a number from 1-100.

You can make a table for yourself where  22 cards correspond to major arcana, and then each set of 14 cards beyond that corresponds to a suit.

To make it easier for yourself you could have 1-14 be wands, 20-34 be cups, 40-54 be swords and 60-74 be coins.

Then use cards 78 - 100 correspond to each card in the major arcana.

Oh that's very useful, thanks a lot for your help! :) 

(2 edits)

Hello! Is there a version of the non-printer PDF without the gradients on the side of each page? I wanted to use my eReader to read it, and the aspect ratio of the PDF doesn't match the screen. It's like this with most PDFs, but I don't notice it because it'll fill the extra space with white. The gradients emphasize the way it doesn't fit exactly on the screen, and I want to enjoy the illustrations and colors, but no worries if it's too much trouble.

If it's somehow easier to resize the PDF, I'm looking for something with the size of 1264x1680 (~3:4 aspect ratio)

Again, don't worry about it if it's too time consuming. Thanks anyway!

Hiya, I have a question about getting Consequence 4 after the dice tower collapses for the last card of the volume.

It says we put a chosen circle card on top of the volume deck. But because we've finished the 7th entry and we're moving on to letter writing, does that mean we don't get to have a moment with that confidant?

Do we put it at the top of the next volume? Or is the consequence not applicable so we have to choose another one?

Hey! Looks like a little edge case to me. Usually when you add an extra card to your volume deck, you also draw one extra card that volume (to make sure you get a chance to draw it!). That said, it is an optional thing to add the confidant card to your volume deck, so you could just choose not to in this situation.

cheers! J

Oh, that makes sense.

Do you have an official errata for Koriko to add in small clarifications like this?

Something simple like adding the words “then draw one bonus entry” on consequence 4 would make it very clear.

Not yet! This is the first one that has made it through :) Good idea though!

so this game is amazing, i've been playing and really enjoying it! the one question i have, and maybe i just managed to miss where it's written in the instructions, but are you supposed to keep your dice stack into the new season/volume or do you discard it? thanks in advance and sorry if ive just managed to miss the instruction for this

thank you! yes you maintain your dice tower between seasons and play sessions, only starting over with it if it falls over during stacking :)

I love this game, but the one thing I'm running into (and I am aware it's a "me" thing, not an issue with the game) is that I just canNOT write "2 to 4 paragaphs" on these prompts. These prompts just spark too much imagination and I need to get it all down. I guess it doesn't hurt that I'm a published writer and suffer from "Writer Brain" as I like to call it. But now I'm not even done with Arrival, and I'm already halfway through the journal I got for this. I'm going to have to buy more! lol

Thank you, Mr. Harrison, for making a game so well-written that it inspires me like this. I actually had writer's block caused by some trauma, and this is kicking the block right out the door and locking the door behind it! lol

haha this goes into a small-but-significant bucket of comments that make my stomach drop when I scan over the first couple of lines but actually turn out nice 😂 glad to hear you’re having a good time!

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